COVID-19 vaccines will reinforce more Africa’s relationship with China.

By: Mweusi Karake

A number of commentators have referred to the current Covid vaccines as “vaccine apartheid”, pointing out that: Rich countries are hoarding supplies, leaving poorer countries at the mercy of drug companies.

I need not explain to anyone what apartheid refers to. Suffice to say, that it was one of the highest institutionalised forms of discrimination ever to take place in modern time. So called “separate development”. They are many ways to practice discrimination. Apartheid was predominantly practiced in Southern Africa and had to be fought through armed struggles which were supported by communist countries such as Cuba and China. Apartheid therefore brings those memories to mind. Even in rest of Africa where the expression ‘apartheid’ was not used, it was widely practiced.

In Kenya for example, the British had established something called “black reserves”, areas very far from the cities where black Africans lived, not to pollute the white cities. The practice was so wide that in one of Kenyan major languages, Kikuyu; the word for up country is “ lithabu”, coined from “reserve.”

In Belgium colonies, Rwanda, Burundi and Belgium Congo, Children of mixed parentage, were forcibly taken away from their mothers and taken to Belgian orphanages; sadly with the collaboration of Belgian white fathers. That explains why it is rare to see a 70 or 80 year old bi-racial in this region. I could go on and on. But today’s subject is COVID vaccine, not racial discrimination.

Western World First.

Whenever I am frustrated with the West, I miss Donald Trump. He didn’t pretend, he treated us Africans/blacks as inferior (shit hole countries), but he did not waste time on diplomacy. “America First”. He said it loud and clear. Making it to whoever cared to listen, that we are not part of his concern. So in the days of Trump, I would not even bother writing this article, but apparently, we are chasing a mirage that things have changed. Talk of illusion!

Every one including WTO is crying foul about vaccines being horded by the rich countries. As at end of January 2021, at least 75% of the world’s vaccines had already been administered in 10 of the world’s wealthiest nations. Rich nations, representing only 14% of the world’s population, had bought up more than 50% of the most promising vaccines. And to me that’s their right. Their responsibility is to their citizens not to Africa and other developing countries. Forget the so called Christian values of being “your brother’s keeper. As Trump would do. Stop hypocrisy, simply shout aloud “the “West First”.

 Lower-income countries have had to rely on the UN-initiated Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) Facility. Covax mechanism, which allows for limited access to Covid-19 tests, treatments and vaccines, however it’s only likely to support 27% of vulnerable populations slowing down the process of global vaccinations.

Distribution will be a Challenge:

As if to support the apartheid narrative, the vaccines are made in such manner that many poor countries will find it almost impossible to distribute. These vaccines were not made for developing countries. Imagine how a country like D R Congo, or South Sudan with hardly any road infrastructure is excepted to distribute a vaccine that is to be kept at ultra-frosty –70° Celsius. Not to mention the requirement for special storage freezers and distribution containers. Even Moderma’s vaccine needs to be stored at least -20C, It is very clear that these vaccines were not made with poor countries in mind.

Africa is likely to look at China is the practical partner.

China has shown willingness to fill the gap. First of all whether by default or design, the vaccines developed in China are more relevant to the needed of developing countries.

As opposed to the -70° Celsius, requirement (to be honest I didn’t even know that anything could be that ultra-frosty ). On the other hand the different Chinese made vaccines can easily be stored in a common refrigerator or freezer. The kind of freezer in my kitchen. The implications are very clear; the major source of vaccines will come from that part of the world.

As early as May 2020, Chinese President Xi Jinping promised to make coronavirus vaccines available primarily to the Global South. And early February 2021, China announced, it will contribute 10 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines under the COVID-19 COVAX Facility. And early 2021, China  also directly, donated vaccines to some African countries a case in point is the 200,000 vaccines jabs sent to Zimbabwe in mid-February 2021. Senegal also got its share.

 Whereas the COVAX facility is a good global initiative, the initial phase of 90 million doses will support countries to immunize only 3% of the African population most in need of protection, including health workers and other vulnerable groups in the first half of 2021.

African countries will have to go beyond 3% to have an effective vaccination. Let us also remember that, this is not going to be a one off activity. There is no doubt therefore, that as usual Africa will be looking once again to China for this important partnership.

Every time, there is a new partnership between China and Africa, we get a lot of unease commentators about how China is about to re-colonize Africa. No matter what they will call it and no matter who is comfortable or uncomfortable about it: Coronavirus vaccines will reinforce Africa’s relationship with China even more.

Mweusi Karake is a veteran journalist and former head of Public Relations/Corporate Communication at the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

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