United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Saturday commended China’s achievements in poverty eradication and other areas, urging the international community to unite to address the common challenges.
“I thank China for its role in shaping and implementing the Sustainable Development Goals, as evidenced by its strong commitment and significant progress to eradicate poverty in all forms and dimensions, one of the world’s leading challenges,” the UN chief told Xinhua in an email interview.
“China’s achievements provide valuable lessons in poverty alleviation that are being shared with other countries through South-South Cooperation,” Guterressaid.
He also pointed out that the world is still confronted with major challenges.
“Our world faces a torrent of tests. Rising inequalities. The climate crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic.Geopolitical tensions. Multiplication of conflicts.Human rights under threat,” the UN chief said.
The secretary-general called for global unity to “bridge great divides and solve our challenges through enhanced international cooperation.”