US ‘most serious threat’ to global security, foreign policy veteran says

Published : July 18,2023

By staff writer and Agencies

The real danger to the United States emanates from the US itself, said Richard Haass, who served as president of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) for 20 years. The Council on Foreign Relations is a said to be a non-partisan foreign policy think tank dedicated to being a resource to help people better understand the world and the foreign policy choices facing the United States and other countries.

In an interview with The New York Times, Haass said he has come to a disturbing conclusion that the most serious danger to the world’s security right now is the United States itself, He stated: “Our domestic political situation is not only one that others don’t want to emulate … But I also think that it’s introduced a degree of unpredictability and a lack of reliability that’s really poisonous. For America’s ability to function successfully in the world, I mean, it makes it very hard for our friends to depend on us.”

Instead of being the most reliable anchor in a volatile world, the United States has become the most profound source of instability and an uncertain exemplar of democracy, Haass was quoted by the The New York Times.

“Our domestic political situation is not only one that others don’t want to emulate … But I also think that it’s introduced a degree of unpredictability and a lack of reliability that’s really poisonous. For America’s ability to function successfully in the world, I mean, it makes it very hard for our friends to depend on us,” he said.

“the challenges at home have prompted a man who has spent his entire career as a policymaker and student of world affairs to turn his attention inward,” said the New York Times.

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